We, Korea Fine Insecticide Corp ( KFI Corp), is very specialized company located in South Korea in the field of insecticides(household & Public health), natural ingredients for organic farming, agrochemicals and related chemicals with abundant experience, wide global business network and aggressive marketing policy.

To overcome the difficult of the customer in purchasing the materials from original makers , we develope various kinds of materials under serious co-operation with our reliable factories. It make our customers to achieve the stable production for their products wanted with reasonable production cost.

We have successfully entered into new business fields for organic agrochemicals which are essential to the organic vegetables, organic gardening and other related various organic fields. The demand for organic vegetable, fruit and related products has been increased steadily by the popularity for well-being foods from consumers. Under this circumstances, we are devoting ourselves to develope various kinds of natural ingredients extracted from botanical & natural sources and supply it to the customers with stable terms and conditions.

We are authorized by more than 100 manufactures in the world to distribute more than 300 kinds of products which approximately cover most of insecticide products ( household & public health), natural ingredients for organic farming, agrochemicals and chemicals required from the world. It is to enable us to meet various requirements from our customers at any times.

Our quality has been controlled very strictly by the quality control dept of our well-equipped factories and our domestic professional laboratory.
The delivery time is also being very stable by our well-prepared shipping networks with good communication.

Under the above great passion & constant research, we must be the only company well-prepared for making you dream the wishful & successful future in this field.

Welcome to Korea. Welcome to KFI Corp